And After | Podium Audio

By: Sarah Lyons Fleming

Performed by: Julia Whelan

Released: September 12, 2014

Language: English

Format: Single Narration

Duration: 10 hr, 48 min

Cassie Forrest could almost believe life at Kingdom Come Farm is perfect, with Adrian and her friends at her side and spring on the way.
The spring thaw also means millions of defrosting zombies, however, and if the past year has taught her anything, it’s that life in this new world is highly imperfect.
When Safe Zones throughout the country begin to disappear and the zombies at the fences grow in number, Cassie clings to the hope that if she has the people she loves most, it will be all right. But the highly imperfect world makes only one guarantee – zombies never die, never stop, and are never satiated.



Sarah Lyons Fleming

Sarah Lyons Fleming is a Laura Ingalls devotee, wannabe prepper, and lover of anything apocalyptic. Add some romance and humor, and she’s in heaven. Besides an unhealthy obsession with bug-out bag equipment, she loves books and making artsy stuff. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, she now lives in Oregon with her family and, in her opinion, not nearly enough supplies for the zombie apocalypse. But she’s working on it.



Julia Whelan
