Demonhome | Podium Audio

By: Michael G. Manning

Performed by: Derek Perkins

Released: March 20, 2018

Language: English

Format: Single Narration

Duration: 14 hr, 22 min

Matthew is the first human wizard to possess the true heritage of the Illeniels, a secret gift no one fully understands.
Alone, he travels to another world, seeking the source of their mysterious enemies. There he will discover the origin of their ancient foe, the mysteries of the past, and possibly the future of humankind.
If he can survive long enough.
In a land beyond death and suffering, he finds the true source of evil, within the heart of humanity, and their newest creation. In the search for knowledge, some doors, once opened, can never be closed.



Michael G. Manning

Michael Manning, a retired pharmacist, has been a fantasy and science-fiction reader for most of his life. He has dabbled in software design, fantasy art, and is an avid tree climber. He lives in Texas, with his stubborn wife, two kids, and a menagerie of fantastic creatures, including a moose-poodle, a vicious yorkie, and a giant prehistoric turtle.



Derek Perkins
