The Rebellion | Podium Audio

By: Matt Moss

Performed by: John Keating

Released: January 19, 2021

Language: English

Format: Single Narration

Duration: 01 hr, 5 min

A kingdom at peace. A war fought in the shadows. As the Order celebrates its union with the crown, a founding member of the secret society plots its demise. Wanting to use the potential of the Soul Stones – legendary relics of unspeakable power – Victor gathers his supporters to rise against the Prophet and all those who wish for the stones’ existence to be kept unknown.Caught between his duty and his heart, Lucian must either stand with Victor and betray his fellow brethren, or take his true love, Sarie, and leave it all behind.With time running out, Lucian knows that there is no stopping the rebellion. It has already begun.



Matt Moss

Matt Moss is the author of THE LEGEND OF THE SOUL STONES, ALTERLIFE, and THE FARM. ***For a sneak peek at new books, free stories, and more, subscribe to the newsletter at:



John Keating
