Greg Walters Archives | Podium Audio


Greg Walters

Fantasy, Sword & Sorcery, YA, Epic

Greg Walters, born in 1980, began writing fantasy stories while studying history and politics. His debut novel, “The Secrets of Âlaburg,” delighted numerous readers and conquered the bestseller lists.


TITLES FROM the Author

The Legacy of Alaburg

Alaburg University, Book 6

The Order of Alaburg

Alaburg University, Book 5

The Feldsher’s Apprentice 3

The Feldsher’s Apprentice 2

The Feldsher’s Apprentice

The Battle of Alaburg

Alaburg University, Book 4

The Chronicles of Alaburg

Alaburg University, Book 3

The Legend of Alaburg

Alaburg University, Book 2

The Secrets of Alaburg

Alaburg University, Book 1