A Kingdom of Death and Despair | Podium Audio

The Four Kingdoms

A Kingdom of Death and Despair

Book 3

By: Whitney Dean

Released: April 16, 2024

Language: English

Format: Multi-cast

Duration: 22 hr, 2 min

Once upon a time, there was a half-witch of three who walked on the land where creatures roamed free.
Once upon a time, there was a prince of one who danced with the waves under the sun.
Once upon a time, there was a prince of two who hid amongst the shadows, where fear only grew.
But when time became impatient, a prophecy was conceived of twins born of darkness who would live their lives aggrieved.
Coupled with their misery was the answer all sought. But the question remained: which one would be left to rot?



Whitney Dean

Whitney is a debut Dark Fantasy Romance author but has been writing since finishing the Harry Potter series at seven years old. After winning multiple creative writing awards, Whitney majored in English in college and worked for a news site, editing and writing articles. In January of 2022, she decided to leap back into creative writing, crafting a world full of magic and intrigue. 
