Bratva Baby | Podium Audio

Bratva Baby

By: Bella King

Released: February 06, 2024

Language: English

Format: Multi-cast

Duration: 06 hr, 26 min

On the night that I came face to face with death, I was rescued by the most gorgeous man I’d ever laid eyes on.
A cunning bratva boss I had no business getting mixed up with. A dangerous man whose kisses tasted like wild summer days and a thousand bad decisions.
Staying with him was simply not an option, and falling for him would ruin me forever. So, I allowed our chance encounter to end after just one passionate night under the stars.
I should’ve known it would never be that simple, that two people from such different worlds would leave an impact that the universe would never forget.
Because we’re no longer just two people falling into a torturous forbidden love…
The baby in my belly makes it three.



Bella King

Bella King writes about passion, love, and the unusual situations that bring people together. Leaning toward the darker side of romance, Bella pulls no punches when delivering standout books that thrill and captivate readers.
