Heart's Darkness | Podium Audio

The Magician’s Brother

Heart’s Darkness

Book 5

By: HDA Roberts

Performed by: Kevin Kemp

Released: January 23, 2024

Language: English

Format: Single Narration

Duration: 12 hr, 2 min

University was supposed to be a time of exploration, of learning, and new discoveries…
I probably should have guessed that my problems weren’t just going to vanish because I was feeling optimistic.
The Fairy peoples have cut themselves off, taking important parts of me with them. A new threat emerges, wrapped in a righteousness that serves only to conceal a dreadful rot.
Demons start to circle, Black Magic grows in power and influence, and my old enemies are starting to band together in the service of a new darkness.
If you think all that’s not enough to be going on with, an old flame turns up just to make sure that it all hurts as much as possible.
It’s going to take luck, cunning, and a colossal bagful of dirty tricks to get out of this one intact, and I’m pretty sure I spent all my luck the last time something tried to eat me…
Oh well, let’s give it the old college try.



HDA Roberts



Kevin Kemp

Kevin is a British actor and voiceover artist with a professional career of more than 17 years. Kevin has been fortunate to work in theatre and screen across the UK, Europe, India, and the US, winning numerous awards. He now lives and works out of Los Angeles, California. He has a deep love for the classics and traditional storytelling and is passionate about creating rich and personal worlds for his listeners. Kevin reads all genres from literary fiction to non-fiction and finds great joy in sci-fi and fantasy! When not acting, Kevin loves video games, board sports and is a keen martial artist.
