Knifepoint | Podium Audio



Book 3

By: Edward W. Robertson

Performed by: Ray Chase

Released: February 07, 2014

Language: English

Format: Single Narration

Duration: 13 hr, 10 min

Raina was just a girl when the plague came.
She survived. Her parents didn’t. Neither did the world. As civilization fell, she took to the ruins of Los Angeles, eating whatever she could catch. After two years alone, she’s found and adopted by a fisherman and his wife. Their makeshift family lives a quiet life – until a man named Karslaw sails in from Catalina Island with an army of conquerors. Driven by visions of empire, he executes Raina’s new father as a traitor and takes her mother captive. But Karslaw’s people aren’t the only ones vying for control of the ruined land. As violence wracks the city, Raina joins a rebellion against Karslaw’s rule. She will stop at nothing to free her mother – and to have her revenge.



Edward W. Robertson

Ed is the author of the epic fantasy Cycle of Galand novels and the post-apocalyptic Breakers series. His work has hit the USA Today Bestseller list, been nominated for multiple audiobook awards, and is currently being translated into five different languages. Born in the deserts of the US West, he's since lived in New York, Idaho, Los Angeles, and Hawaii, where he befriends a lot of turtles.



Ray Chase
