Primal's Wrath | Podium Audio

The Magician’s Brother

Primal’s Wrath

Book 6

By: HDA Roberts

Performed by: Kevin Kemp

Released: March 19, 2024

Language: English

Format: Single Narration

Duration: 17 hr, 32 min

It’s been nine months since I had my first brush with Black Magic, nearly a year since the Fairy Realms were cut off from our world.
My life has become peaceful, routine. I have friends, I have a girlfriend, and all is right with the world.
Or it was, anyway.
One night is all it takes for things to go from perfect to perilous. One night in which my life is turned upside down, thrusting me into a war for my very survival. One night that was supposed to be fun and joyous. The night where I met my girlfriend’s family.
You might argue that I should have seen it coming. Crystal’s family are Vampires, after all…
But come on, how was I supposed to know that turning up for dinner would trigger a chain of events that nearly ends civilization as we know it?
You know what, don’t answer that…



HDA Roberts



Kevin Kemp

Kevin is a British actor and voiceover artist with a professional career of more than 17 years. Kevin has been fortunate to work in theatre and screen across the UK, Europe, India, and the US, winning numerous awards. He now lives and works out of Los Angeles, California. He has a deep love for the classics and traditional storytelling and is passionate about creating rich and personal worlds for his listeners. Kevin reads all genres from literary fiction to non-fiction and finds great joy in sci-fi and fantasy! When not acting, Kevin loves video games, board sports and is a keen martial artist.
