The Primeval Apocalypse | Podium Audio

The Primeval Apocalypse

The Primeval Apocalypse

Book 1

Performed by: Tristan Morris

Released: November 21, 2023

Language: English

Format: Single Narration

Duration: 13 hr, 8 min

Adapt or perish. Survival demands it.
As reality’s grand show concludes and alien watchers abandon and reset Earth, the world dissolves into primeval chaos. Monsters roam, magic surges, and the survivors battle to reclaim their world. Humans are forced to adapt… or become extinct.
But humans aren’t the only players in the game. Cunning mandrills now weaponize Earth’s creatures, laying waste to the remnants of humanity. Warring dinosaurs, primordial monsters, and alien beasts complete this apocalyptic free-for-all, each hungry for their next kill.
Meet Colin, Jamestown’s stalwart protector—and bait. For the last six months, he’s struggled to keep his community alive, running raids for food on a nearby mandrill town. All that changes when he levels up into his new subclass. Now a Beastmaster, he befriends Noaich, a formidable six-legged crocodile. Together, they are fierce and deadly, and they’ll redefine the meaning of evolution in this savage apocalypse.
Colin and Noaich must push their limits and level quickly to overcome monstrous threats. In this cutthroat game of dominance, only one rule matters: kill or be killed. Welcome to the struggle for survival.



Tristan Morris
