Wear It Like a Crown | Podium Audio

Wear It Like a Crown

By: Zarah Detand

Performed by: Joel Leslie

Released: February 13, 2024

Language: English

Format: Single Narration

Duration: 14 hr, 55 min

A royal coming out needs a professional touch. 
When rebellious Leo, an ex-Etonian with a dark past, crashes into Prince Joshua’s pristine world, it’s safe to say the monarchy won’t ever be the same.
Meet Leo: a societal outcast, ousted from nobility, whose past has seen London’s grimy alleys and the company of its undesirables. Now part of an elite crew rescuing high-profile figures from scandal, he’s the last person one would expect inside the lavish halls of Buckingham Palace.
Enter Prince Joshua: silver-spooned royalty with a secret that could damage a kingdom. When a blackmailer threatens to expose Joshua’s sexuality, Leo’s team swoops in, bringing him and the prince face to face.
Their first encounter? Contentious. But there’s an undeniable spark—a raw honesty that draws Joshua in. As their worlds merge, secrets unravel, including one that links their pasts in the corridors of Eton. But amidst the banter, the challenges of royalty weigh heavy on Joshua. Leo, with his cheeky bravado, might just be the jolt Joshua needs, especially when coming out to a nation.
When passion turns to potential love, Leo’s own demons rear their head. Can a former hooker ever stand by the side of a prince?
Expect fast-paced dialogue, unexpected laughs, and a tale that balances the light-hearted with the profound. Perfect for fans of contemporary MM romances that delve deep while keeping you hooked with charm.



Zarah Detand

Author of MM romances. Loves coffee, a well-crafted cocktail, and long walks to the closest supermarket. People in love with other people is her jam, with a particular penchant for snappy dialogue and a slow burn that is all the more satisfying once it finally catches fire. Playing with tropes of the famous-meets-normal variation? Bring it on! Fake relationships? Yes, please. All's fair as long as everyone gets their happy ending.



Joel Leslie
