World Undone | Podium Audio

The Cascadia Series

World Undone

Book 4

By: Sarah Lyons Fleming

Released: July 02, 2024

Language: English

Format: Multi-cast

Even the best plans come undone.
With their supplies reclaimed and food enough for the future, the group at Barry’s cabin can do more than just scrape by. Between fruitful gardens, great friends, and sturdy fences—not to mention karaoke—life in the zompoc is better than ever.
Nothing is perfect, however. Across the country, safe zones are mysteriously going dark, and Oregon’s summer weather has turned the forest into a tinderbox. As the unknown danger closes in and smoke begins to fill the sky, the survivors are all too aware of how quickly plans unravel, fences fall, and luck runs out.



Sarah Lyons Fleming

Sarah Lyons Fleming is a Laura Ingalls devotee, wannabe prepper, and lover of anything apocalyptic. Add some romance and humor, and she’s in heaven. Besides an unhealthy obsession with bug-out bag equipment, she loves books and making artsy stuff. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, she now lives in Oregon with her family and, in her opinion, not nearly enough supplies for the zombie apocalypse. But she’s working on it.
