World Without | Podium Audio

The Cascadia Series

World Without

Book 3

By: Sarah Lyons Fleming

Released: October 24, 2023

Language: English

Format: Multi-cast

Duration: 16 hr, 38 min

In a world without, hunger may be as deadly as zombies.
With their Safe Zone overrun by the undead, taking refuge in the mountains seems like the safest bet for Rose, Tom, and the other survivors. There’s one catch, however—between last spring’s human exodus and a neighboring group’s stockpiles, there’s no food left to scavenge.
They know to be wary of people and zombies, but a new adversary proves itself just as relentless—hunger. Supplies are slim in the wilderness, and living off the land is easier said than done. As winter sets in, and their food dwindles to nothing, they discover how far they’ll go to save the ones they love.



Sarah Lyons Fleming

Sarah Lyons Fleming is a Laura Ingalls devotee, wannabe prepper, and lover of anything apocalyptic. Add some romance and humor, and she’s in heaven. Besides an unhealthy obsession with bug-out bag equipment, she loves books and making artsy stuff. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, she now lives in Oregon with her family and, in her opinion, not nearly enough supplies for the zombie apocalypse. But she’s working on it.
