Don't Give Up the Shop | Podium Audio

Bob and Nikki

Don’t Give Up the Shop

Book 24

By: Jerry Boyd

Performed by: Chris Ciulla

Released: August 08, 2023

Language: English

Format: Single Narration

Duration: 09 hr, 27 min

The band took some shore leave and helped their friend in his shop.
On a visit to the bots, Bob and Nikki had to rescue some folks. Andre found a girlfriend and then rescued her, a knight in shining hull metal. Come watch the crew deal with what their shepherd sends them.



Jerry Boyd

I’m a house husband. I keep things together while my wonderful wife makes our living. I’ve worked as a machinist, short order cook, electronics assembly tech, and several other jobs. My hobbies include vehicle maintenance, (I’ve had the transmission out of my truck. Twice) free flight airplanes, electronics, and shooting. I was born and raised in the Ozarks, and now live in Mid-Missouri.



Chris Ciulla
