The Boatmen | Podium Audio

Bob and Nikki

The Boatmen

Book 28

By: Jerry Boyd

Performed by: Chris Ciulla

Released: April 09, 2024

Language: English

Format: Single Narration

Duration: 09 hr, 3 min

Captain Sloan did something he shouldn’t have. Now, he has to make amends.
That turns out to be more of a job than anyone would have thought. Watch him and the crew of the Armstrong as they work to make things right.
Bob thought they had the Boatmen safe from the cats and in places where they could live peacefully. Turns out the cats have a purpose, and the fleet made a mistake. Little Becky gets hurt finding that out.



Jerry Boyd

I’m a house husband. I keep things together while my wonderful wife makes our living. I’ve worked as a machinist, short order cook, electronics assembly tech, and several other jobs. My hobbies include vehicle maintenance, (I’ve had the transmission out of my truck. Twice) free flight airplanes, electronics, and shooting. I was born and raised in the Ozarks, and now live in Mid-Missouri.



Chris Ciulla
