J C Duncan Archives | Podium Audio


J C Duncan

Epic, Fantasy

James Duncan has always been an avid reader of Historical Fiction and Fantasy, with a bit of sci-fi and apocalyptic fiction on the side. He always loved reading and the desire to write eventually became insurmountable when he finally felt he had a story worth telling. That story was the saga of Ljós a Norðan; The Light of the North, an epic alternate history of the end of the Viking era, a legendary warrior and the magical sword he supposedly wielded. Inspired by the Norse and Icelandic sagas, and rooted firmly in reality with a sprinkling of alternate history and mythology brought to life, the series explores a titanic and climactic clash of civilizations between the pagan raiding Norse, and the Christian nations of continental Europe. When he isn't writing or doing his full-time engineering job, James is happiest being an amateur bladesmith, forging knives in the shed he built in his garden. www.Jcduncan.co.uk DeleteEdit Add bio in new language


TITLES FROM the Author

A Forge of Frost

The Light of the North Saga, Book 3

The Fire of the Fallen

The Light of the North Saga, Book 2

A Song of Steel

The Light of the North Saga, Book 1