The Dungeon Leader | Podium Audio

The Dungeon Slayer

The Dungeon Leader

Book 3

By: Konrad Ryan

Performed by: Austin Rising

Released: October 19, 2021

Language: English

Format: Single Narration

Duration: 17 hr, 36 min

Trapped in a dungeon and infected with a werewolf virus, Tad wrestles with Fenrir, the wolf inside his dagger.
Somehow, the wolf can hear his thoughts. He taunts Tad. Can Tad escape the dungeon? And what of Titan and the danger it poses to Earth?
Even if he returns to Earth, it has its own problems. The creators have all entered Titan; Titanspawn blocks the sky, and the world is freezing over. To make matters worse, dungeons are still exploding and the only person who can see when has disappeared. The Defector is the only creator left who could scrub the sky, but he seems to have his own plans.



Konrad Ryan

Konrad Ryan received a bachelor's degree in accounting before he found out he was much too dull for that profession. Now he writes books. He lived in Japan for two years, is fluent in Japanese, and has since fallen in love with the Lit-RPG genre. Avid gamer, father, fiction-lover and food-enthusiast.



Austin Rising
